Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Flat Belly Diet: Continue to Post?

Several people have emailed and asked if my family is still doing the Flat Belly Diet.

Short answer: Yes!

I had stopped with the posts about it, because I was concerned they seemed redundant. Would you like more posts on this topic? Let me know!!

Here's what's been happening with the FBD:

We've fallen a bit into the "I'm too busy to buy all this stuff and prep and measure all this food right now!" TRAP. So, we've been running to the store and quickly grabbing the easy ingredients that we know we like and need to make some of our favorite meals, but we've also been running to Papa Murphy's and buying the easy pizza or two ... or three.

So, while we've not dropped a bunch of additional weight, we have maintained. That's great considering some of the junk we've eaten.

BUT, we continue to eat the healthy meals when we are at home, AND, we continue to have the MUFAs at each meal, AND we still like the program, AND we no longer like milk chocolate. Our tastes buds have definitely changed. My two (out of three) kids like the food so much, they will even take the time to pack their own lunches so they can eat the better food at school instead of the greasy pepperoni pizzas and burritos offered in the lunch line.

Now that the kids are back in school, we are going to try harder to get back on the program. We want to achieve our weight loss goals, and we actually like the majority of the foods offered in the Flat Belly Diet program.

And, interestingly enough, NBC had a report yesterday morning talking about how dark chocolate, green olives, and black olives help reduce the risks of certain diseases. So ... that's right in line with what we're doing.

Let me know if you'd like regular posts on this topic, and I will continue based off your responses.

If you'd like to see the previous posts, just click on the Flat Belly Diet label below or in the side bar.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Are YOU Laconic?!

From: :

la·con·ic (l-knk)


Using or marked by the use of few words; terse or concise.


[Latin Lacnicus, Spartan, from Greek Laknikos, from Lakn, a Spartan (from the reputation of the Spartans for brevity of speech).]


la·coni·cal·ly adv.

Word History: The study of the classics allows one to understand the history of the term laconic, which comes to us via Latin from Greek Laknikos. The English word is first recorded in 1583 with the sense "of or relating to Laconia or its inhabitants." Laknikos is derived from Lakn, "a Laconian, a person from Lacedaemon," the name for the region of Greece of which Sparta was the capital. The Spartans, noted for being warlike and disciplined, were also known for the brevity of their speech, and it is this quality that English writers still denote by the use of the adjective laconic, which is first found in this sense in 1589.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Why did I post this? Again, my son's AP English class has me thinking ... who knows ... maybe I'll learn something from his homework this year. Tonight, he asked me to help him think of characters from literature that speak laconically.

I googled it.

Huckleberry Finn? I don't think I agree with Google.

What laconic characters can you come up with?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Prune Your Bush

No ... the title of this post is NOT a beloved euphemism. :-) It is an analogy.

... Lessons in Blackberry Picking #2 ...

You must take time to prune the unnecessary vines in the blackberry bush.

Yes, it can be very frustrating to spend more time pruning than picking ... especially when you can see all of those huge ripe berries just waiting to be picked (and popped into your mouth). However, it will be much easier to get to those berries if you trim the unnecessary leaders that are blocking your path first. Plus, by cutting out those thorny vines that are not producing berries themselves, you give the bush more energy to put toward the fruit.

How does this relate to writing?

Revising and editing are crucial to the writing process. Yes, as writers, we have a ton of great ideas bouncing around in our heads just waiting to be plucked out and plopped down onto paper ... but we just can't let them grow wild. We must cut out the unnecessary words, paragraphs, and scenes, in order to make it easier for the reader to enjoy the ripe parts of the story.


Are you currently pruning a Work-in-Progress?

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Plethora of Esoteric Words



My sixteen-year-old son came up to me the other night and asked, "Mom, would you help me find a plethora of esoteric words?"



He wanted to impress his AP English class. Okay. So then he looked at me doubtfully and asked, "Do you even know what esoteric words are?"



Where's the faith? Sheesh. But then, I was on the spot, and had to produce a definition from the depths of my own brain. That instant. My answer? "Uh ... pretty sure esoteric words are big fancy words that people use to appear smarter than everyone else."

My son smiled. "Close enough," he said.

So ... we googled esoteric words, and found a great list at:

I was thrilled to see EUPHEMISM on the list! Because, "euphemism" just happens to be one of my ALL-TIME favorite words!! (for reals!!) So ... boy did I feel smart. I already knew an esoteric word in front of my son! YAY me! 

But then he asked me to explain what a euphemism was ... and that was harder. Because I could suddenly only think of sexual euphemisms ... like:

1. Monkey Dance
2. Pole Vaulting
3. Sit and Spin
4. Wanna Get Busy
5. Oh ... oops ... I forgot that my mom-in-law sometimes reads my blog. Sorry to the mom of my monkey dancing partner! :-) bwhahahahaha.

Anyway ...

Here's the simple definition:
1. an inoffensive expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive

So, my son asked, "You mean instead of telling someone they are a terrible singer, I could use a euphemism and tell them they are not a very good singer?"



I said, "No. But, you could say, 'WOW! You hit notes I didn't even know existed!!" and smile.


Anyhow ... this post has gone on too long. If I was smarter, I could have ended this post with esoteric words ...


Do you have a favorite esoteric word or a favorite euphemism? Share!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Talent is NOTHING!

Well, okay, maybe NOT nothing ... but below is a link to a GREAT article about the fact ...

"Talent is nothing without focus and endurance," Haruki Murakami.

A perfect quote to kick me in the behind and get to the writing!

Check it out: Murakami Talent-Is-Nothing-Without-Focus-and-Endurance

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The Bourne Legacy (Jason Bourne #4)The Bourne Legacy by Robert Ludlum

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed it! It was not my favorite Bourne book, but it was a good read while out camping. The only reason I gave it four stars instead of five is because the plot dragged in the middle and one of the main characters rambled on too much. But ... that was part of his egotistical character. None-the-less, I found myself skimming his inner monologues.

I really enjoyed getting back to the Bourne series. I look forward to reading the next one, but I fear I must only read it when I have time to go from cover to cover. Otherwise, my brain has trouble remembering all the foreign names and locations to keep them all straight.

But, maybe I could count reading a Bourne book as brain exercise.


View all my reviews

What book are you reading right now? Do you love it?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


YAY! It's that time again!

Rachael Harrie has put in a ton of time and effort to help connect writers. If you are interested in joining together, building your own platform, and helping others build theirs ... check out the details at:

BUT HURRY, because the lists close August 31st.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Need a LAUGH?

We interrupt the regularly scheduled blog post, to bring you simple halarity (is that a word? ... it is now!).

Oh. Oops. I guess this was me being DISTRACTED again ... now, back to writing!!

TODAY is the BIG day!

Well, my husband and I arrived home late last night from one last summer trip.

We (just he and I) went camping for four days to celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary. Last year was the first time we took a camping trip by ourselves ... and we LOVED it! And ... the kids didn't die while we were gone, so we thought we'd try it again this year.  We were thrilled to arrive home and see that the house was still intact and the kids survived without our parental nagging.

Now, this morning the kids are all off to their first day of school, my husband is at work, the dogs are playing ... and ... I am supposed to find my mojo and get back to my manuscript.

Except things keep distracting me ... like:
1. the laundry
2. the dirty dishes
3. the bills
4. the weather forecast (seriously, supposed to be 98 degrees today ... YIKES!)
5. the unanswered emails
6. the blackberries that need to be picked AND eaten
7. and on and on and on

I need to focus, focus, focus.

What helps you get into the zone and focus on your writing?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lessons in Picking Blackberries

YAY! Today was the first official day of picking blackberries. I love them. We have a HUGE bush in our backyard, but the crop is really late this year.

Here's the first lesson of the season:

Just because the berry is black, doesn't mean it's ready to be picked. 


Because, if you want sweet juicy berries, you need to wait until a gentle touch causes them to fall from the vine into your hand. If you have to pull or tug the berry AT ALL to get it to release from the vine, it's not ready, and it will taste sour.

How does this relate to writing?


Just because your manuscript is FINISHED, doesn't mean it's ready for publication!! It may not be perfectly ripe yet. Give it some more time to ripen and then work through the bush again. :)

What's your favorite fruit of the summer?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Character Development: EVIL vs. GOOD

So ... I had a great conversation last night after a business meeting, discussing the bare bones of leadership.

I've continued to think about the conversation throughout the night ... do you ever do that? Ponder things WHILE you sleep? Anyway, I digress.

Leadership ... you can go about it many different ways ... including the nice way and the mean way.

A book I've previously read on the topic:

This was an excellent book, based on excellent principles. A great way to be a positive leader.

But, last night, the book that was recommended to me was:

Here's what one reviewer on wrote:

"i learned to be eviiiilll with this book....haha actually this book made me realize how shady people can be. Plus how smart you and ambitious you should be about succeeding in life. You got to stand out in this world. If you roll with the bunches you'll become lost. You always have to have a good reputation or if you have a certain reputation you better use it to your advantage (damn im evil hahaha). This book will expose and teach you alot about the real world. One of my first books i really read and enjoyed. it motivated me to keeping learning about myself and people. i highly recommend it."

... okay ...

Which made me think: what a great basis for character development in your writing. There's a big difference between authentic leadership and pursuit of power.

Furthermore, what a great research tool for your writing! Read these books on leadership and power, and decide which book your character would prefer.

What do you think?

Do you think there's a difference between leadership and power? Have you read either book? 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

GREAT Resources for Writers!

Need some inspiration, motivation, and/or collaboration? Check out the online writers' conference at WriteOnCon!

Here's the schedule of events for today (EDT):

Tuesday, August 16, 2011:

6:00 AM: Welcome Keynote by author Josh Berk – in a BATHROBE!

7:00 AM: Pacing in Contemporary YA by author Sara Zarr

7:30 AM: Call for questions for literary agent Steven Malk

8:00 AM: How to Write A Killer First Sentence by author Jodi Meadows

8:30 AM: Picture Book Queries by author Emma Walton Hamilton

9:00 AM: Myths and Misconceptions by literary agent Holly Root, and editors Molly O’Neill and Martha Mihalick

10:00 AM: Drawing From Memory by author Alan Silberberg

10:30 AM: Writing For Multiple Ages by author Shelley Moore Thomas

11:00 AM: Literary agents Carlie Webber and Christina Hogrebe’s thread opens in the forum. Participants can post their “Twitter pitch” (pitch in 140 characters or less) and first 100 words for critique/comment. Entries capped at 75.

11:00 AM: Live Forum Q&A and PB query critiques with author Emma Walton Hamilton

12:00 PM: On Platform, a live chat with literary agent Sara Megibow

1:00 PM: Creating Compelling Settings by author Jessi Kirby

1:30 PM: Puzzled By Picture Books by author/illustrator Sarah Frances Hardy

2:00 PM: Is your MS ready for submission? by author Tom Leveen

2:30 PM: LGBT Lit by author Scott Tracey

3:00 PM: Live Q&A chat with literary agent Suzie Townsend

4:00 PM: Don’t Give Up! by author Beth Revis

4:30 PM: Writing Magical Realism by author Nova Ren Suma

5:00 PM: COLLECTIVE BLOGGING & BOOK PROMOTION — Ten ways to collaborate with fellow bloggers and writers on-line and in-person (For published and not-yet-published writers!)—Stages on Pages

6:00 PM: Author Collaboration with author Jay Asher

8:00 PM: Live Q&A Forum Event with literary agent Jessica Sinsheimer

9:00 PM: Panel of Professionals (Michelle Andelman, Emily Meehan, Annette Pollert, Jim McCarthy)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Good Day!

Oh ... it has been a good ... good day!

This morning, I woke to the smell of a turkey cooking in the oven. Seriously. My husband came home from work last night at 11:30pm and put a turkey in the oven. He seared (is that a cooking word?) it for 30 minutes at 450 degrees and then turned the oven down to 200 degrees and went to bed. (He did this because our air conditioner still does not work, and he didn't want to heat up the house during the day!)Now ... I've heard stories about people getting sick and dying from eating a bird cooked that way ... but good news! We're not dead.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

After getting up, I let the dogs out to relieve themselves, and I checked my blackberry bush. FINALLY. One berry (that I've been checking daily all week) was perfectly ripe and ready to pick. YUM! I ate it and enjoyed it thoroughly. It was PERFECT and sweet and firm and juicy. YAY! Maybe tomorrow there will be enough to top my cereal. And, we have a HUGE crop this year.

Then, I took my daughter to the second day of volleyball team tryouts. STRESS. She was supposed to find out the coaches decision at 2:15, but the coaches decided to announce their decisions at Noon, and not only did she make the Junior Varsity team (YAY!!!) apparently the coach made a big deal about her efforts as well. What a rewarding experience for her!! You see, instead of playing volleyball in middle school, she chose to play two years of boys' football (seriously). And, she did quite well, even played a starting position for awhile. But, this put her at a disadvantage for entering girls' volleyball at the high school level with no experience. So, last year, we put her in a couple of volleyball camps and worked with her throughout the summer. But, sadly, last year she didn't make the final cut for the team. I was impressed with her positive attitude toward the experience. She took it as motivation and continued to work on her skills all throughout the year. We saw this as parents, and decided to invest heavily in her volleyball camps this summer to do everything in our power to help her make the team. She continued to work super hard all summer, and it really paid off today. The coach even told the freshman today who were cut that they shouldn't just quit. They should work on their skills and come back and try again next year, because that's what a sophomore did (he was talking about Katie!) and she made the JV team today.

YAY!! I couldn't be more thrilled. Her joy is my joy.

So, my mom, my daughter, and I went and got pedicures and manicures to celebrate Katie's volleyball success. But, between you and me, I planned to take her for this special treat today regardless of the coaches' decision!! :) My 69 year old mother had never had a pedicure before, and she nearly fell asleep in the chair she was so relaxed and pampered. That was awesome.

It's been a great day.

We had Thanksgiving dinner around 2pm ... the turkey cooked over 12 hours at 200 degrees (ha ... turkey in August) with homemade gravy (made from only Rice Milk, Flour, Pepper, and Turkey Juices) and red potatos. We added no salt, no butter, and it was so delicious. YUM!! We've since packaged up all of the turkey meat into 3 ounce portions for our Flat Belly Diet menus, and now I'm boiling the carcass to make delicious soups. Double Yum.

It was such a great day, that not even a woman threatening to take me to court over a mishap with a cell phone can ruin my day!!


I hope your day was great, too!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dumpster Diving

I love teenagers. Seriously.

An awesome young woman that I admire said to me, "Hey, did your son tell you we were thinking about going out later tonight?"

"Uh, no. Where--" but then I stopped myself, realizing I was prying, and instead said, "I'm sure you guys would have a blast."

Her eyebrows popped up. "Really? You don't mind if a bunch of us go out later?"

I denied my inner control freak and mounting curiosity. "No. I don't mind. He's old enough to make his own decisions."

"Oh. Cool!!"

So, I arrived home and said to my seventeen-year-old son, "So, I talked to Bertha (name changed to protect the innocent instigator), and she said you guys are going out tonight."

His eyebrows popped up. "Really? You don't mind?"

My curiosity became harder to control. "No. As long as you walk in the door before midnight. I don't care if you go have fun with your friends." I'm such a great mom.

"Well, I don't know if we can be home before midnight, because Krispy Kreme doesn't close until 11pm, and it takes half an hour just to drive back home after that, and we'll need time to go through the dumpster."

"WHAT?!" I very calmly asked.

"Dumpster diving," he very calmly replied. "You said you didn't mind."

"WHAT?!" I heard myself repeat.

"Dumpster diving. Krispy Kreme closes at 11pm. They throw out their unsold donuts. We grab them from the dumpster and run."

Clearly my son is too young to make his own decisions.

"I'm sure that can't be legal," I said.

"The girls have done it before." He smiled and waggled his big bushy eyebrows.

"That doesn't make it legal. And, I'm not getting you out of jail. You will have to sit there and rot."

"Okay! Thanks, Mom!" And he dialed his friends to make plans.

p.s. If dumpster diving is illegal, please consider this a completely fictional story. I am, after all, a writer.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Write on the Sound

Well, I've done it! I've signed up for another writers' conference. This one looks very different from the one I attended last year. So, it will be interesting to compare the two.

So, if you're in the neighborhood - - come and join me for some classes! :-) The conference is September 30 through October 2, 2011. $190 for 2 1/2 days, or $120 for just Saturday and Sunday.

Here's the link for more information:

Have you been to any worthwhile conferences lately? What do you recommend?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

FBD: Week Four Details

Should we call it "Week Four" if we didn't actually follow the eating plan? Hmm.

During week four, we traveled out of town (to Rexburg). We didn't want to go off the plan completely (we'd worked too hard to simply quit!!), but the logistics were too crazy to follow the plan completely.

Here's what we decided to do:

1. We took LUNA bars, oranges, and MUFAs with us. One bar, a serving of nuts, and a fruit is approximately 400 calories. So, we had this healthy choice available throughout the week.
2. We usually made healthier choices at restaurants, but sometimes we didn't. I had a DELICIOUS bacon cheeseburger with french fries. YUM. I also enjoyed pizza, not once, but twice. But the rest of the time, I chose healthy sandwiches or salads ... mostly. :) haha. And, we did indulge with some chocolate chip cookies ... heaven!!
3. We also took Rice Milk, Kashi Cereal, and Craisins with us; because for the second half of the week, we stayed in the dorms at BYU-Idaho. One cup of cereal, one cup of Rice Milk, 2 tbsp of craisins, and 2 tbsp of nuts equals about 400 calories.

We walked and hiked a LOT. We did Yellowstone on Tuesday, and then Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, we walked a ton between classes. I think the exercise helped balance out the pizza. :)

While I and my sixteen-year-old son maintained our weight (thrilled), my husband gained 4.5 pounds. But, he did indulge a bit more than I did during the week.

It was really nice to have a break from the regime of the program, but I still want to achieve my goal, and it was a bit of a challenge to commit to the program once we were back home. But, we're back on it now, and determined once again. So, this current week, we are following the week four eating plan. This will be confusing for my blog updates, but I'll let you know next week how the food was for the "real" week four of the program!

Thanks for checking in ... and ...

What food would you choose if you could indulge guilt free and calorie free? hmm?

Monday, August 8, 2011

FBD: Week Three Details

My apologies for the delay in posting week three's details ... but we went out of town, and then ... you know ... I got side tracked. :) But, none-the-less ...

I will answer several questions.

1. How much did it actually cost?
2. How hard was it?
3. Was the food delicious or choke-worthy?
4. Was it worth the effort?
5. Problems and/or successes ...

How Much Did it Cost?

Our GROCERY BILL for the third week, for four people = $122.81

I know ... last week I figured it for five people. But, my oldest doesn't always eat the food. He works full time; so, he's not always here. Sometimes, he eats me out of house and home, other times, his boss treats him to a late lunch. Plus, there were leftover items from the previous week that we had bought for him. So, I think the math this time is more accurate with four people.

For one person, that would be closer to = $30.70

How Hard Was it?

Really, our only struggle this week was the temperature in our house. Still without an air conditioner, we just dreaded the "cooked" meals because they would heat up the house. We still struggled with pizza cravings, but we told ourselves, we would treat ourselves to pizza once we got to Rexburg (which we did! YUM!)

Was the food delicious or choke-worthy?

There were some REALLY interesting food choices this week. We really enjoyed the adventure!

Our favorite meal was the WHITE BEAN PASTA:
For one serving, mix 3/4 cup cooked whole wheat pasta, 1 tablespoon pesto sauce, 2 teaspoons olive oil, 1/4 cup cannellini beans rinsed and drained, and 2 tablespoons roasted red peppers. Heat thoroughly. Total calories: 377 ... YUM!!

Another interesting meal was the BASIL BEAN SALAD:
For one serving, mix 3/4 cup rinsed and drained cannellini beans, 1 small tomato chopped, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, and 1/4 teaspoon dried basil. Total calories: 366.

Was it worth the effort?

This week was totally worth the effort. I felt like I broke through a barrier. My total weight loss at the end of week three was 19 pounds. YAY! Oh ... but keep in mind, this total weight loss includes the the week prior to the FLAT BELLY DIET when I was starting to make better food choices and exercise. So, the 19 pounds is for closer to a five week period (when you include the four day jump start for the FBD, also).

My husband and children all thought it was worth the effort. The food choices were really fun during week three.

Problems and/or successes

The only issue this week was the fact that we procrastinated getting to the grocery store for the shopping. So, the first couple of days, we actually finished up left overs from the previous week. So, our week three didn't really start until a couple days later. But, it worked out fine, because we finished up food from the fridge.

Tomorrow, I will post week four's details. :) Check back!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Work Expands to fill Time Available

According to the always insightful Wikipedia:

Parkinson's Law is the adage first articulated by Cyril Northcote Parkinson as the first sentence of a humorous essay published in The Economist in 1955:

“ Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. ”

It was later reprinted together with other essays in the book Parkinson's Law: The Pursuit of Progress (London, John Murray, 1958). He derived the dictum from his extensive experience in the British Civil Service.



So, think about it. Have you ever had a task or a chore and you knew you had four hours to accomplish it, and so, it took the entire four hours (or more)? And, on the opposite side, have you ever had a task and you knew you only had 30 minutes to accomplish it; so, you hustled your bum and barely got it done it time?

I believe it is true!!

Often times when I feel overwhelmed by my to-do list, I will set the timer on the stove for 30 minutes, and I will attack the first item on my list. Then, when the timer goes off - - whether I've accomplished the current item or not - - I will move on to the next time on my list and reset the timer. And so on. When I do this, I accomplish so MUCH more in my day than when I casually move from one item to the next on my list. And, even if I don't finish each item on the list, I know that I made a huge dent in it during those thirty minutes.

What time management tricks help you during a  busy day or week?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Weekly Writing Motivation

It's not that I'm lacking motivation ... My problem this summer is I'm lacking available hours in the day.

So, if any of you know a great website that teaches how to find more hours in the day - - - let me know.

Until then, here's what I'm doing:

1. Reading TIME MANAGEMENT FROM THE INSIDE OUT by Morgenstern (but, I've had trouble finding time to read it, bwhahahaha).

2. Reorganizing my priorities. This summer I've given the majority of every waking minute to my children and their activities. I love them, and I love spending time with them, but this summer it has been to the detriment of all my other obligations, goals, and priorities. Therefore, I am reconsidering my list (which is easier knowing school is just around the corner).

3. Participating in my gal-pal's Weekly Writing Motivation. :)

Melissa Dean has come up with a great idea. Check out the details here:

When and how do you find time to write?